Lagoon Inc.

Investing Partners

I am seeking partners to develop and market this nationally. The system has all the advantages of other green endeavors including tax credits and incentives. It will be applicable to all swimming pools from above ground to in ground and remodels, stopping just short of large commercial projects. Several choices are that it can be franchised, licensed to a national builder, sold through distributors, or direct marketed.


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It cost less than the equipment it will replace. There is no large initial outlay to recoup. Production will be not require special tooling, this can be assembled from readily available production items. The needs will be corporate establishment, infrastructure, and marketing.

Having a successful although belated role in the internet revolution, I observed that the first to realize new opportunity and trends reaped the greatest rewards. In the world we now live, new technologies and products seem to develop from vapor and yesterdays best is just the top layer in the land fill. I am seeking several partners that are energetic opportunist. NDA reuired.

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